poco 杂货铺成立部落格是为了方便各位游览店里的商品。
考虑到空间及人手有限,poco 的店小二们实在无法在繁忙的用餐时间为各位逐一介绍店里的商品。在这里我们将详细的记载各个店里架上的商品,好让诸位了解其独特用心的呈现背后的满满诚意。
小小的店铺连接就在这部落格的右上角。游览愉快! ^^
Shop at poco online is now available in order to introduce items we have in poco while we are always too busy to do so. Please click on our tiny little link at the top right side of side bars in this blog. Happy shopping! ^^
Friday, 8 April 2011
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
从日本回来大概有一个半月了。这段时间都投入在重整 poco 。
匆忙迁到 Bangsar 也有一段时间了,开始对很多地方都觉得不甚满意。当初开店时,想着的是要做 ‘自己做得到的事’ ,像一场游戏般,开始了现在的生活。
也许是因为这事儿已经成为生活了,poco 也一直随着我们成长。当我们的想法有所改变时,poco 也会跟着改变。从开店时只有日式家庭简餐,到自家制甜点一样一样的研制而成;手作参与者也越来越多,想介绍的好唱片也开始堆积,而现在也少量进口喜欢的日本质朴服饰,还有许多零零散散的杂货。看着这些改变,让我们的生活与工作变得有趣,心里觉得踏实了许多。希望 poco 能一直成长,变得更加厚实。
It has been one and a half months after we back from Japan. All this while, we put a lot of efford in rearrange poco.
After a while we re-located at this place in a hurry, we feel not satisfied with parts we have done. Our early intension to open this place is to gether things we like and make them a part of our life and work. This is why poco will always being changed, or I should say, growing, according to our mind. From only simple home cook Japanese dishes we have when we get start until we have few types of dessert now, more handmade artists have been featured, lots of nice indie music we wish to introduce, and we have imported clothes for sale too. Our life become more interesting with all these things serounding us! I wish we will be keep growing, in being more detail and depth.
小鸟铁架 + 旧木板小招牌。这种木板,可遇不可求啊!很喜欢那-裂缝!
Used wood signboard
Handmade wooden frame + wire. It is convinience for display and clip name card.

Beautiful door as screen to hide the messy casher!
The space previously for casher is now turn into a little fitting room.
Good quality garment!
Better arrangement for the corner.
Better arrange for the handmade corner.

Pretty baking corner.

Let's have a look at the old setting, hehe!

匆忙迁到 Bangsar 也有一段时间了,开始对很多地方都觉得不甚满意。当初开店时,想着的是要做 ‘自己做得到的事’ ,像一场游戏般,开始了现在的生活。
也许是因为这事儿已经成为生活了,poco 也一直随着我们成长。当我们的想法有所改变时,poco 也会跟着改变。从开店时只有日式家庭简餐,到自家制甜点一样一样的研制而成;手作参与者也越来越多,想介绍的好唱片也开始堆积,而现在也少量进口喜欢的日本质朴服饰,还有许多零零散散的杂货。看着这些改变,让我们的生活与工作变得有趣,心里觉得踏实了许多。希望 poco 能一直成长,变得更加厚实。
It has been one and a half months after we back from Japan. All this while, we put a lot of efford in rearrange poco.
After a while we re-located at this place in a hurry, we feel not satisfied with parts we have done. Our early intension to open this place is to gether things we like and make them a part of our life and work. This is why poco will always being changed, or I should say, growing, according to our mind. From only simple home cook Japanese dishes we have when we get start until we have few types of dessert now, more handmade artists have been featured, lots of nice indie music we wish to introduce, and we have imported clothes for sale too. Our life become more interesting with all these things serounding us! I wish we will be keep growing, in being more detail and depth.

Used wood signboard

Handmade wooden frame + wire. It is convinience for display and clip name card.

Beautiful door as screen to hide the messy casher!

The space previously for casher is now turn into a little fitting room.

Good quality garment!

Better arrangement for the corner.

Better arrange for the handmade corner.

Pretty baking corner.

Let's have a look at the old setting, hehe!

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