据说许多童话原文都是黑色的,限制级;目的是阻吓小孩不到处乱躜。Pieter Bruegel的“尼特兰谚语 Netherlandish Proverbs”也起着相同作用。喜欢画家描写的农庄景物与人,尤其愚人。画中热闹的小农庄充斥行径诡异的百姓,各个形象都表述着不同的荷兰谚语。而这些谚语都用了许多滑稽的形容方式,如:献花给猪,给猪捅刀子,大鱼吃小鱼… 告诫着犯蠢的人们。
专辑主打 White Winter Hymnal 层叠渐进的乡乐与和声把简单重复的主旋律奏得热闹丰富,加上主音傻子般的吟唱,活脱脱个古代丰年祭,把冬夜炒得火红。当看了歌词后我更爱它了!没有例牌的赞美,歌词描述冬天里的一段经历,优美的压韵里却藏着冷战的血腥。但据说其实歌词并没特别的创作动机, 纯粹是为配合旋律而填(就是爱这种有意无意的,不强说愁)!更加无厘头的是我最爱的 Meadowlarks,惆怅得很的旋律原来是写给一只鸟听的… em… 总之就诗意满满!
It is like to attend a harvest festival at the medieval times to listen to the full album of Fleet Foxes. The rhythm sings the images of a celebration in the farm which no traffic jam, global warming and growth pesticide. It is a day of revelry yet the snub out of fire brings the darkness night. Without any gloomy rhythm but you can still smell the misanthropy by the selection of this famous painting from an Holland artist as the album cover.
The original of most fairy tales have a lot of violence and the ending is usually cruel allegedly as deterrent to others. 'Netherlandish Proverbs" of Pieter Bruege is means the same. I like how the artist describe the living in a farm, especially the fools. People are acting strange in the painting and each of them are presenting a different proverb of Holland.
What is special about the theme song of this album - White Winter Hymnal (Which is the first song we shared in Poco's blog) is the way they present the song from a simple repetition lyrics by solo vocal and more music element are added in slowly until it sound like a festival is ongoing. It warms the winter night. After I read the lyrics, the deeper I falling in it. There isn't any ordinary compliment on anything but an experience in the winter which refer to the bloody cold war. They said they didn't mean to create a powerful lyrics but just to fill their words in the melody. (I like the way they create by accident or design yet not over sentimental) The funniest thing is my favorite song in this album - Meadowlarks is a song written to a bird with its melancholy melody...em...Overall, this album is full of poetic luster.